Thursday, September 29, 2016

1. Intro?

I've decided to make a blog for a number of reasons.

1. I enjoy pretending I have an audience who cares about every little part of my life.

2. I'm going through a MAJOR transition in my life and I need a platform to share these things other than my worn journal.

3. I felt like it.

This is going to be like a personal diary I will use as I travel across the country. I don't care about spelling or punctuation or any of that nonsense. There will be no rhyme or reason to my posts.

Judge thy not

So here we go. I'm going to try my best to keep up with this but no promises.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2. Motivationally challenged

Welp, here I am. 20 years old and about to move out on my own. Armed with my boyfriend, Joe, and our black lab/pit, Gooner, we're off to Vancouver, WA from Silver Spring, MD. This should be interesting to say the very least.
My two weeks are in at both A Baked Joint (coffee shop in DC) and Joe's Record Paradise (record store based in Silver Spring) so as you can imagine, I'm feeling extremely anxious. Restless, even. Finding a place was relatively painless and planning our 8 day roadtrip to get there has been a relative breeze, probably do to the fact that we're both obsessed with road trips and the West coast. Packing and fitting things into the car is my stress. Is Gooner (our black lab/pit) going to have enough room to exist in the back? What are we getting shipped to us? Where will the tv fit? Are you sure we shouldn't bring the bed? Should I sell half my records? (I did).
Joe (my tall bearded man) has been so understanding and calming in my times of absolute panic. He always has a plan or is calm enough to figure one out while I'm busy hyperventilating in the corner about boxes.
We've been loosely planning this move for just over a year but things became very real very fast. The casual "I'm moving at some point" quickly turned into "I'M MOVING IN JUST OVER A MONTH". It's alot to take in and process. I'm still shell-shocked.

Over the past couple of weeks it's been hard to motivate myself to do much of anything. Hang out with friends, care about work, pack; everything has been a hassle. I just want to be there. I want to be in the car, on my way. I want the goodbyes out of the way, I don't want to pack, I want to just throw everything out and start completely new. I can't tell if this is general laziness (which I'm highly prone to) or if my apathy is genuine.

Idk, I'm sure I'll get it together within the next few days.

Or at least I besta.